Economic Development Block / & EDA Grants
Affordable Housing - New Market Tax Credit
(NMTC) project funding
Business Commercial project developments
Accounting and CIP tracking System
evaluations (Balance Sheet, Liabilities)
Grants: Business Park Development
(California, Wisconsin, and Texas)
Parks and Recreation Grants, Park equipment grants. Forest Preservation and Trails creation.
Clean Water Act funds: Water, Wastewater,
Stormwater programs.
Community Development / Economic
Development Block Grants
- Housing (Home) / Redevelopment Agency
- 1st Time Home Owners
- Affordable Housing (NMTC)
- EDA - Economic Development
- $6.2 Million - NMTC- Walnut Street Flats
Reedsburg, Wisconsin.
- $15 Million - Affordable Housing-NMTC Project.


Non-Government Organization (NGO) Projects
Applying for funding can be a daunting task.
A simple fifteen minutes conservation can assist with focusing your financial needs.
We seek funding for your agency and create the initial applications may even provide online Grant training information through our members-only site.
- $22 Million - Bible History Museum Inc. Branson MO. Foundation Grant Application.
- Baraboo River - Planning Grant, Wisconsin.
- Small Public Park - Conservation Grant, Wisconsin.
Grants, applications with the lead department/agency managing grants.
This same service is available on a contract basis.
Review funds drawdown and constructed A/R
Assist in establishing accounting Grant files - and review of general ledger balances.
Work Agency support letters.
Working with Departments on specific grant writing to meet point qualifiers, deadlines, government accounting system.
Public Works / Engineering Projects
- CDBG Funded - Roads/Streets
Public Transit: (WISDOT, FTA)
Wisconsin Transit Funding
- Apply for State and Federal Capital:
Heavy Bus, Para-Transit, and Operating Funds.
File reports on Black Cat - Drawdown on U.S.
Treasury. TDA Reporting.