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We provide a full range of social, operational, human resource and financial consulting including the following service offerings:

Grant Research or Lobbyist Services

Associated with the Office of the Mayor, Administration, and City Council Legislative Agendas.  We work as Lobbyist or communities - Currently registering with the State of Wisconsin. Discussing with agencies in California, Missouri, and Texas.


League of Wisconsin Municipalities:


City of Reedsburg (Sauk Co.)

City of Sturtevant (Racine Co.)

City of Richland Center (Richland Co.)

League of California Cities:

City of Ridgecrest, California

City of Indio, California

OMNITRANS, San Bernardino California

SUNLINE Transit, Thousand Palms California

City of Colton, California - $40,000  Annual Agreement. Storm Water Project 

Lobby Firm: David Turch & Assoc, 517 2nd Street, Northwest, Washington D.C. 20002


Texas Municipal League: 


City of Greenville, Texas -  $2,400,000 Ear Mark, 

$ 32,000,000 I-30 & US-380 High wide widening and Interstate Bridge Project. Federal Highway Administration, Texas DOT Funding

San Bernardino Housing Authority, California - $108,000

Agreement. Large Housing Authority.  HUD Funding.

Lobby Firm: Potomac Partners, 7315 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 950 West, Bethesda MD, 20814

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